- The Mitzvah of Brit Milah rests primarily on the father. However, if the father fails or refuses to fulfill this Mitzvah and the child has entered adulthood (thirteen years of age and older) he is obligated to fulfill the commandment of Brit Milah himself.
- The Brit must be performed on the eighth day from the baby’s birth, taking into consideration that on the Jewish calendar, the day begins with sunset of the previous day. (For instance: If the child is born on Sunday before sunset then the Brit is on the following Sunday. However if the child is born Sunday after sunset then the Brit is performed on the following Monday).
- If a circumcision was done prior to the eighth day, or at night, it is considered invalid and a special procedure must be performed by a Mohel called “Hatafat Dam Brit,” drawing a drop of blood. A competent Rabbi should be consulted in such a case.
- If the baby is born premature, weak, or ill in any way, or if he is diagnosed with a health condition such as jaundice or having an eye infection, the Brit is temporarily postponed. We wait for the child’s full recovery before performing the Brit. In some conditions we wait seven full days after his recovery before performing the Brit. One should consult a Mohel on this matter.
- Once the father designates an individual as the Mohel for his child’s Brit, he should not choose another Mohel, unless it was quite clear that the father would have chosen the second Mohel first had that Mohel been available.
- At the morning prayers prior to the Brit, the “Tachanun” supplication is omitted in the presence of the father, the Sandak, or the Mohel, even if the Brit will take place at a different location.
- If the Brit will be held on a day that the Torah is read in the synagogue, we honor the father, the Sandak, and the Mohel with reciting the blessing on the Torah.
- We consider the position of Sandak more honorable than that of the Mohel, giving the Sandak preference in being called up to the Torah. The position of the Sandak is also considered to be one of merit for long life and prosperity.
- It is customary to set aside a chair for Elijah the Prophet who is called the “Angel of the Brit”. He attained this honorable position due to his zeal in upholding this great Mitzvah. God therefore promised him that he would be present at every Brit. When this chair is used, we announce, “This chair is for Eliyahu Hanavi.”
- It is customary not to formally invite people to participate in the Brit. Instead we merely announce that the Brit will take place at such a time in such a place. This is done so as not to seem disrespectful to Elijah the Prophet as Elijah participates in every Brit.
- It is a great Mitzvah to be present at a Brit and partake in the festive meal. Some say that in honor of this great Mitzvah, and in respect for Elijah the Prophet, all those who are present at the Brit are purified from their sins.
- It is customary for the father, the Mohel, and the Sandak (the person who holds the infant during the circumcision) to spiritually purify themselves through immersion in a Mikvah (ritual bath) on the morning of the Brit.
- It is customary that the father, Mohel, and Sandak wear a Tallit at the time of the Brit.
- It is traditional that the child be placed on a pillow throughout the duration of the Brit, from the time he is carried out and handed over by his mother until he is returned to his mother after the Brit.
- Some emphasize that the Kvatterin be the wife of the Kvatter and not pregnant.
- Everyone should stand during the Brit Milah, except for the Sandak who sits and holds the baby on his lap during the time of the Brit.
- At the Brit Milah we bless the child and say, “Just as he has entered into the covenant, so too may he enter into Torah, into marriage and into good deeds.”
- At the Grace After Meals we recite the additional Harachamans (“The Merciful One”) associated with the Brit Milah. Some give the honor to six different people to say the six different Harachamans.
- Some have a custom to make an advance payment on tuition fees for the boy’s Jewish studies.
- A Brit is performed on the eighth day after birth, even if that day is Shabbat or a Jewish holiday. If, for whatever reason, the Brit is postponed and cannot be done on the eight day, or if the child was born through caesarean, the Brit may not be done on Shabbat or a Holiday but rather on the next immediate weekday.
- If there is a doubt as to whether the baby was born on Shabbat such as between sunset and nightfall, the Brit has to be postponed to the day AFTER the following Shabbat.
- All preparations of utensils and items needed for the Shabbat Brit must be done prior to Shabbat. Only essential functions to the Brit itself may be done on Shabbat. Consult a competent Rabbi.
- In a community where there is no “Eruv” the Brit is performed at home, for we don’t carry outside on Shabbat.
- Rosh Hashanah: The Brit is performed following the Torah reading of the morning services, before the sounding of the Shofar.
- Yom Kippur: The Brit is performed following the Torah reading of the morning services. The celebratory meal is held at night, after the fast is over.
- Sukkot: The Brit is performed in the usual time, but not in the Sukkah. However, the blessings over the wine, baby naming and celebratory meal is held in the Sukkah.
- Purim: The Brit is performed following the Torah reading of the morning services, but before the reading of the Megillah. If it is performed at home it is done after the reading of the Megillah.
- Tisha B’Av: The Brit is performed following the recitation of the Kinot. The celebratory meal is held at night, after the fast is over.
More on Sephardic customs